LifeSkills And Values Education


Education is the catalyst for societal change, equipping individuals with essential knowledge and skills. It fosters understanding, empathy, and tolerance, bridging societal gaps. An educated populace can critically analyze information, making informed decisions and contributing to a more enlightened society. Empowerment through education not only transforms individual lives but also fuels systemic change, fostering progress and innovation in communities.

Our aim is to educate the  with the following objectives:

  • Equip young people (both men and women) with life skills education in order to positively influence and enhance their thinking, behaviour and quality of life.
  • Contribute to breaking down gender stereotypical roles by conducting Home Science classes for both young men and women in preparing low-cost, high-nutrition meals.
  • Provide a safe, child-friendly and non-judgemental platform where children and youth can ask questions, clarify doubts and demystify their sexual curiosities and other personal issues.
  • Work with children as young as 12 years of age, so positive gender-based education can begin early in life.
  • Work with youth from migrant worker families, who are more likely – due to lack of employment, money or identity – to fall into bad company and anti-social activities.
  • Address personal issues and break down myths and misconceptions.
  • Educate them about the changes in adolescence to be better prepared for these.
  • Be taught not just to respect women and protect children themselves, but raise their voice when they see others disrespecting them.
  • Interact with each other in fun activities to develop a sense of comradery between the sexes.


Addressing Educational Inequity: Empowering Changemakers for a Brighter Future


At NaariSamata, we recognise that inequity in education poses one of the greatest challenges in our society. While policies aim to provide education for all, systemic gaps and weaknesses hinder its optimal impact at the grassroots level. Our mission is to support the education system and nurture young Changemakers within communities, working together to address this pressing issue.

Through our transformative project, we strive to build a more equitable education system that empowers every student to unleash their full potential. In 2020, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, an assessment revealed that children from tribal villages were struggling to meet basic literacy and numeracy benchmarks. This served as a catalyst for the launch of our programme, which establishes learning centres where trained locals provide remedial teaching.

We will be partnering with Koru Foundation who have appointed five community teachers to work in five different villages in Odisha: Badabil, Mahulpada, Tasada, Uskela, Bandhberna, and Khuntgaon. Our initiative aims to improve learning outcomes and ensure access to quality education for children in these underserved communities.

The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated the challenges faced by children, especially those lacking reliable internet connectivity. In this post-pandemic era, our programme has become even more critical for the region. By leveraging a network of community teachers, we bridge the education gap and enhance learning outcomes for children in these tribal villages.

Our Vision: Advancing Educational Equity

  • Cultivate gender-equal classrooms, fostering an inclusive learning environment.

  • Reduce the alarming rate of school dropouts among girls each year.
  • Design an experiential learning-based curriculum with a strong focus on Social Emotional Learning (SEL).
  • Prioritise and empower girls from marginalised communities, ensuring their access to education.
  • Encourage and empower girls to become Changemakers within their communities.
  • Bridge the learning gap in basic literacy and numeracy, providing essential foundations for every child.

At NaariSamata, we are committed to driving meaningful change in the education landscape. Join us on this transformative journey as we create a brighter future, where every child has equal opportunities to thrive.

The e-learning course

The e-learning course will address crucial topics that are often overlooked in schools across India and various countries. These include Gender bias, Mental Health, Puberty, Abuse, Violence, LGBTQ+, Substance Abuse, and more. The course specifically targets school-going children aged 12-16.

To ensure accessibility in communities with limited computer availability, we will create a corresponding course using PowerPoint. This version will be translated into regional languages and delivered through instructor-led sessions.

Support our Project Siksha
